Articles of Fidel Castro

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Reality and dreams


Writing is a way to be useful if you believe that our long-suffering humanity must be better, and more fully educated, given the incredible ignorance in which we are all enveloped, with the exception of researchers who in the sciences seek satisfactory answers. This is a word which implies in a few letters its immense content.

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Presidents of Venezuela and Nicaragua praise example of Fidel


Venezuelan President, Ni colás Maduro, praised historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro’s work in defense of humanity’s just causes, according to the Ministry of Communication and Information’s website. During his television program En Contacto con Maduro (In contact with Maduro), broadcast every Tuesday evening, the Head of State called the Cuban leader the “revolutionary commander of Latin America and the Caribbean.”

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Evo Morales expresses his admiration and respect for the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution

Evo cumple Fidel

“I am very pleased and happy to accompany our brother Fidel Castro on his birthday,” the President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, stated on arriving in Havana on Wednesday night to participate in the celebrations for the 89th birthday of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution. Speaking to the press on arrival at the José Martí International Airport, the President stressed his admiration and respect for Fidel and said he had learned much from him.

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Central Act in Birán for International Youth Day

Cuba jovenes cumple Fidel

Today, some 400 young people, representing the entire country, will participate in the central act for International Youth Day, in Birán, Holguin. Delegates from the five eastern provinces and Camagüey will also hold a meeting with former members of the UJC from diverse sectors. Voluntary blood donations, productive work, a cultural gala and concerts by local artists are some of the activities scheduled to take place in the municipality of Cueto, where the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926.

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Images of greatness

expo Rebelde Fidel

President Raúl Castro Ruz congratulates Juventud Rebelde on the occasion of its 50th anniversary and the opening of a photographic exhibit entitled A Rebel in Rebelde, featuring photos of Fidel taken by the newspaper’s staff.

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Cuba nationalizes U.S. companies

Fidel 55 años atras

As an aggressive move against the Cuban people in 1960, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration reduced Cuba’s sugar quota – the market share allotted to Cuba. ( – Spanish). Congress awarded the President the authority to make such a decision, allowing him to use regulatory mechanisms for the purpose of coercion and reprisals against the Cuban Revolution.

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Letter from Fidel to Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece

fidel  escribe

“I warmly congratulate you for your brilliant political victory, details of which I followed closely through the channel TeleSur. Greece is very familiar among Cubans. She taught us Philosophy, Art and Sciences of antiquity when we studied at school and, with them, the most complex of all human activities: the art and science of politics.”

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Fidel visits Food Industry Research Institute

Fidel industria alimenticia quesos

On the afternoon of July 3, Fidel held a four-hour-long meeting with 19 master cheese makers from MINAL’s (Ministry of Food Industry) Food Industry Research Institute in the town of Guatao. During the encounter – where Fidel expressed his thoughts on problems affecting food production levels, such as climate change and wars – topics relating the former quality and quantity of cheese manufacturing in the country through the Special Period and the need recover said standards were discussed in depth.

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Visita a Fidel la reverenda Joan Campbell


En la noche de este jueves, el líder histórico de la Revolución Cu bana, Fidel Castro Ruz, recibió a la reverenda Joan Brown Cam p bell, quien realiza una visita a nuestro país invitada por el Semina rio Evangélico de Teología de Matanzas. En la conversación fraternal sostenida, Fidel y la distinguida visitante trataron diversos temas en el clima de una amistad forjada du rante muchos años, y en los que Joan Campbell ha dado innumerables muestras de solidaridad hacia nuestro pueblo.

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Serbian President concludes visit, fulfills dream of meeting Fidel


“It has been a fantastic visit. I’ve been with my friends, with the people, who like the Serbian, know how to appreciate their freedom,” said Tomislav Nikolic, as his official visit came to an end. Nikolic awarded Fidel the Order of the Republic of Serbia. The visiting President reported that upon receiving the honorary sash, Fidel commented that he would treasure it always.