Articles of Arleen Rodríguez Derivet

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La era pos-Castro


Fidel se reía mucho de los planes de sus enemigos “para la era pos-Castro”. Un día dijo que mientras ellos hablaban de ese momento, él trabajaba para ese momento. Y vaya si les ganó de nuevo. Apenas una semana antes de cumplir los 96 años de nacido, y cuando ya lleva más de un lustro ausente, su nombre volvió a levantarse como el monumento que expresamente prohibió que se le hiciera. Cubanos de todas las edades que salieron a batirse con una catástrofe accidental sin pensar en los riesgos.

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Rene González Doesn’t Want to be a U.S. Citizen

René González

Two notes associated with the case of the Cuban Five which happened to be published recently by various Cuban media outlets on the same day, deal with issues so obvious, and at the same time so ignored by U.S. authorities, that it’s worth comparing the headlines. The first had to do with the new motion presented by Rene González’s attorney, asking once again for the same thing that was called for before he left prison: that he be allowed to return to Cuba, where his home and family are.

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Nostalgia of the Future

Arleen Rodríguez Derivet

raw dog food recipes p>A Playa Girón hero told me a couple of days ago that he frequently felt nostalgic about those days when at only 20, he manned a mortar battery and went to battle with a smile, because all his utopias were intact. Even I felt infected by his feelings as I reviewed

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Interview with former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter, by Arleen Rodríguez Derivet, Cuban Television journalist (+ Photos)

James Carter in Havana. Photo: Alex Castro

Translation: Machetera Translation: Machetera Arleen Rodríguez: Hello!  A greeting to all of those who are watching Cuban Television right now.   I welcome all of you, along with the former President of the United States, James Carter, who just moments before leaving to return to his country has graciously agreed to give us an interview, and