Articles of Cuba

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Kofi Annan universally recognized

Kofi Annan

The news moved many, and in Cuba as was the case around the world this weekend, as he was recalled and honored. Kofi Annan died at 80 years of age, leaving a legacy, a life devoted to humanity0s just causes, but above all to the defense of equality, understanding, and peace among the world’s men and women.

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Private Property, Investment Crown Debates on New Cuban Constitution


One of the main modifications introduced by the project of the new Cuban Constitution is the recognition of private property and foreign investment, expressed here today commercial specialist of Hotel Copacabana, Ariel Valdes. In a dialogue with Prensa Latina, the young man said the possibility that persons residing inside and out of the island are allowed to invest, should be considered.

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New Constitution reflects economic updates

Constitucion Cuba

Since the beginning of the constitutional reform process, much has been written about the reasons change is needed, and foremost among these is the need to adjust the country’s fundamental law to our current reality, especially the transformations underway as the Policy Guidelines from the Seventh Party Congress are implemented, in accordance with strategic projections outlined in the Conceptualization of our economic model.

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New Constitutional reflects economic updates

Discute pueblo Constitución

Since the beginning of the constitutional reform process, much has been written about the reasons change is needed, and foremost among these is the need to adjust the country’s fundamental law to our current reality, especially the transformations underway as the Policy Guidelines from the Seventh Party Congress are implemented, in accordance with strategic projections outlined in the Conceptualization of our economic model.

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The optimism of a victor


I have attempted to find a formula that synthesizes Fidel Castro, who is now 92, and continues at our side, and whose imprint touches every aspect of life, every sector of society, friends and enemies, young and old, the healthy and the sick, heads of state and the homeless of the world.

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Popular discussion begins, from our roots to the future

csa Fidel Birán

In Birán, birthplace of heroes, the national consultation on constitutional reform began. Precisely on August 13, as men and women across Cuba and the world honored Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro on his 92nd birthday, taking place in his native land were the first of 135,000 meetings scheduled through November 15, during which the people will act as the nation’s legitimate constituent body.

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Counting on all Cubans

Cuba const 13 agosto

All Cuban citizens living abroad have the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the proposed new Constitution of the Republic, an unprecedented step that reflects the government’s determination to take into consideration the opinions of all Cubans, both in and outside the country.

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Revolutionary Armed Forces and Interior Ministry prepare for constitutional reform debate


During a press conference yesterday, at the historic Belen Jesuit College, where Fidel studied, now the Technical-Military Academy, representatives of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) and the Ministry of the Interior (Minint) announced that discussion of the proposed new Constitution will begin August 13 in these institutions, as it will around the country.

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May every citizen be a constituent

Constitucion tabloide

Participating in the broadest sense of the word, taking on our individual and collective responsibility to the future of Cuba, is the only way to conduct a truly powerful popular consultation regarding the proposed new Constitution of the Republic. This was how the process was described by National Assembly member Yumil Rodríguez Fernández, from the National Assembly commission charged with developing the first draft, during a meeting with the press, held at the Union of Cuban Journalists headquarters.

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Socialism in Cuba is deeply rooted

Cuba ejercito armas

Constitutions can also tell the story of a country – a history that takes into account every right won, and the struggles waged to gain them. The letter and spirit of all such texts are a clear reflection of the society they govern, through what is included in their articles and what is not.