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Harmonizing the economy: Queues in Cuba. Solutions?

cuadrando-la-caja-de-las-colas-768x576Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Hello, how nice to greet you again Squaring the box, a television proposal to debate, question and reach consensus from Cuban socialism.

I am Marxlenin Pérez and from now on I want to welcome you to this one that promises to be a different stable.

And as we have been announcing through our virtual networks and also in Cubadebate, today we will be talking about a controversial and sensitive issue, queues in our country.

About them we asked: Are queues a distribution mechanism? What are some of the protocols that have been implemented for its control? Do they work? And what are some of the proposals that we could suggest from our program to influence them in the short term?
If these and other questions fit you, please join us.

(Report on queues in Havana)

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: A fact that causes discomfort, especially in recent times, on a daily basis.

We are going to be talking about queues in our country today and for that we have two new members of our team, with us today in the studio.

I want to introduce you to Pedro Garcés. Welcome Pedro, who is a delegate of the constituency of La Rampa, is that correct?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: District 6 of the Rampa Popular Council

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: District 6 of the La Rampa Popular Council, where we are right now, right?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Indeed.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Well, welcome. Thank you for accepting the invitation

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: A pleasure, thanks to you.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: For the first time with us in the study, the professor, computer engineer Fermín Rivas is also present.

Thank you very much for being here with us.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: An equal pleasure.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: And once again with us in today’s program is the professor, Master of Science and Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance of the University of Havana, Professor Rafael Montejo.

MSc. Rafael Montejo Veliz: Good afternoon.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Good here again, teacher.

I thank all three of you for accepting the invitation. Are you ready for the debate?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Yes

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Well today we are going to start in a different way.

I am going to ask Fermín to please go to the television, because he is going to give us a presentation based on relevant data from an investigation that has been done, about the application created by the way in Cujae, where Fermín works, queue. wow, let’s see.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Of course, show them this analysis of the data that we have today in the registry, but yes, we have to talk about it, we have to be forceful in many things. One of those is that it is not a purely Cujae application, it is in collaboration with the Union of Informatics of Cuba, with the Young Computer Club and of course, with a part of the University group.

And the data we are going to reflect is quite interesting. For example, for the program we made a cut for July 20, and what can we show you? We are going to show you everything we have on record for 761 days.

Of these 761 days, we are talking about that, of all the points where there have been sales, we can reflect the data of at least 671 points of sale and of these, of course, we have the record of 128,000 queues with the capacity beyond; of about 1000 people who have been scanning.
And the most telling thing, this record goes from 1 million to 1.5 million people and 19.6 million records in general. We are talking about a lot of data, a lot of scans and so on.

And now, as the last and very relevant data, is that with the use of the application, that is, with this part of the computerization of the queues, we currently have the data of 522,000 beneficiaries.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: It means, 522,000 beneficiaries, does it mean that thanks to the good use of the application, 522,000 people were able to buy, or that others who should not have been detected?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Yes, it is something that we will be presenting at various times, of the data that we are going to be presenting and we will reaffirm it with clear examples, but yes, this is the greatest benefit of making this record, although there are other things that we can be showing our viewers.

Of the investigations carried out, this is one of the ones that, of course, must be talked about. In April 2020, the capital’s Comprehensive Development Group took data from store chains, took data from establishments, from everything that meant commerce, and did a set of investigations to put it to the Government and of course , hence being able to review and even propose decision-making, where to put the necessary products, where to create the necessary points so that the population, at least those who did not have that protection, could go shopping. So from this I want to show you in this case this map, which is one of the parts of the investigation in which each of these points that are represented at least with the color red, is where there is at least one establishment, in this month , this year: April 2020. We are talking about the beginning of the restrictions in Cuba, with the pandemic

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I like this image, Fermín, because there you can better appreciate something that our participants in the virtual networks of our program have been pointing at us, pointing out; and it is the unequal distribution of stores, precisely in the municipalities of the capital, above all there is a greater concentration in the good ones, in the municipalities, Plaza, Playa, Centro Habana and Habana Vieja, and this is something that has been recurrent among our followers of the program.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: But beware, what we are talking about as a map, we have to reflect it then as numbers. These are somehow the establishments that we have and the history. Why is history relevant to us? Because it is at least one installation, one point of sale, where at least one queue, one sale, or more than one has been registered with the application.

So let’s keep in mind that at the moment with the records we have, we are talking about what we can define or say some actions of 95% of what we have identified as points of sale.

There are some percentages that may be a little over a hundred, of the capacity, why? Because they are places or municipalities where the chains, together with the local governments, made decisions, to set up mobile points of sale. And they are actions that have also been carried out, not in one municipality, in several of those municipalities and we have to see it here; Of course, the largest concentration can be seen, it is on the beach, in Plaza

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Fermín is obvious to me that there are three municipalities that, as you show me here, are not using the application. Is it correct that Cotorro, Guanabacoa and Habana del Este are not using it?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: That’s correct. But it should be noted, in this month. In this month we have not yet had a record of these three municipalities.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: In other months, yes, are they using it?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Yes, we are already talking about two years. In other months we have had records but in these it has not been.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: And why aren’t they using it now?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Things that must be reviewed by the local government

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Could it be a local government decision, then?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: We will have to review it with them.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Already

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: We have to point out that with the data we have today, we wanted to make this comparison, between April and July. Be careful noting that in July there are only 20 days.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: The first 20 days

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Exactly. So we have to say that at least in these four months the number of records we have in queue has

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: In other words, there is a paradox here, more products, but the same queues. Well, I dare not say more, but at least the same queues.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: I can even tell you, I dare say even more queues, because there are more products, there are more establishments where a little more is being sold.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: If more is sold, how is it possible that there are still queues? Why will this be?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Something to solve and to see, with the economists. At the moment, only from my short experience, because some of the problems still need to be solved; you have to put more. We have not yet managed to satisfy the demand and that is relevant to take into account with respect to the data, yes?

I continue, and now we are going to put some parentheses with the real data of these four months, which is where we are making these comparisons. We have 3.8 million registered purchases. That gives us reason, in each of these months, to have more than a million purchases.

We are talking about the fact that in all this time, these four months represent 20% of all the sales that have been registered in, that is important to point out.

And of course, the other part that for us would be the benefit of the application: the rejections; we have in these same months that 83,000 people have been rejected.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Now this here is also important to specify because it can lead to confusion. Does 83,000 rejected mean that there are 83,000 people who were able to buy, precisely because thanks to the correct use of the application, 83,000 were rejected that they should not repeat and thanks to that, instead they bought this large number of people who that day were able to meet part of your needs?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: You explained it perfectly, it is like that. And it is relevant.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: This also denotes the importance of the appropriate use of this important tool.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Even at the beginning we said it, that we had a benefit and of course this is the benefit. For example, these four months represent in terms of the rejections that have been made, that 15% have been concentrated in this part, and that is relevant. Almost a month of purchase as who can tell.

From here I have to show you, this is the knime tool, and this is one of the flows to extract information of course, dedicating some research mentality to it, we are talking about this knime tool, which is used to do research, make some models also investigative, about Big Data, data analysis, data mining and of course, this is going to give us things that are not obvious and these are the data that I also wanted to present to you as not very obvious.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: This validates how professional and serious, how rigorous this analysis is.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Of course, of course, we are talking about the University and of course I am not speaking only for myself, I am speaking for a group of people who are putting their heads on this type of analysis, I can show you: these are, in these four months, for these three products, the number of people who stopped buying, because others were not rejected. This is very important.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: This is when, quite the opposite of what we saw in the previous image, when the application is not used correctly, or when it is not working.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Yes, and then we have to talk, because we have to give it the nuances that are involved, there is a part that is analysis, but we have to give it the result; things that may be happening for these numbers to be present; firstly, the application is synchronized every 24 hours because the application works with file sharing, however, sooner or later we will register it.

The other thing is, that it also happens in the cycles of the stores – and perhaps the delegate will be able to talk to us about that – in the cycles of the stores, it may be that in a week a product enters us; the oil between 3 or 4 times, cases like these have happened and at that moment, from the second time, it is possible to sell to a good part of the population and then another cycle begins; However, in the application it appears that it is a purchase and then it is not rejected, that may also be happening.

Or the other part, which is still the human factor. In the end, the application does not restrict; it gives the information, it alerts you, it tells you – this person already bought – and the one who is there, the scanner, who is not the one who makes the decision, then alerts and of course some decision is made; but these data are, they are there.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: You have to use them

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Whoever wants to give them greater relevance can do so, for that there is the population, the town and of course, the information must be made transparent.

So, let’s put some examples, just from the 20 days of July. What do we have registered? So far, up to this point, 511 people have purchased or registered for the app 15 times or more.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I dare to say that they are resellers, potential coleros, but it is my opinion, that I am not an engineer.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: It could be, it could be. We do not want to speculate, but what corresponds is to investigate, to do something about it.

So from there, from what you are saying, we are going to give you three examples, this is one: a 19-year-old person has bought 22 times, now of them, 19 have been to buy chicken in the same store. That’s not right, you have to investigate.

A 92-year-old person has bought 20 times in the last month, in this one we are talking about.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I do not question the vitality of this 92-year-old person, but obviously we are talking here that it is not going to be that person who is going to the store to buy so many times, but that they are probably using your identification.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: It is the same and there are things that must be investigated by the competent authorities, by the Government.

From here to point out, it is not just anything, it is that of those 20 times, 11 have been in the same store. And what things has she bought? Five times in the cycle that corresponds to it, 5 times it has been for cigarettes; 9 times it has been for disposable assholes, there are the data.

And for example a 53-year-old person has bought 30 times and of those 30 times; 10 have been chicken, 4 have been oil, 11 have been cigarettes. And of this many examples, somehow we have.

And let’s talk about some experiments we’ve done with the app and we’re bringing you these two experiments:

The first, September 2020, two months of June, July, August, September, already after having deployed the application for two months, we wanted to review. Went; They were taken to monitor three stores, one store where it was being scanned with the application and the other two stores were being scanned with a doorman.

And at least to the satisfaction of what we were already achieving, the experiment was completed, but from here I want to reflect this fact: in the store where the application was, it was allowed that during that week, everyone who passed by could buy all yes? and in the end we did the summary and then we were left with 20% of those who passed, they did it frequently.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I prefer this experiment to stay with that 80% that behaved honestly, sincerely. What do you have for us in the second experiment?

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: That is very relevant: February 2021, monitoring was carried out on three stores from three different municipalities, and what is the relevance? That there was the exact assignment, the assignment, of one of the chains of stores and we can then do some kind of comparison.
So, of these three stores, one store gave us the lowest value, that sales to the population of what was distributed behaved at 40% and in the store where it gave us the highest value, it gave us 75%.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: These figures that you just shared with us are disturbing.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: You have to explain it well. We are talking there that 40% of what entered the store, of that allocation, was what people were actually able to buy. Be careful, that’s not for all the products, that’s part of the products that can make these types of comparisons.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: In other words, neither 60% nor 25% reached the hands of the population.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Yes, for certain products, which is part of the experiment that was carried out.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I thank you very much for this detailed and rigorous exposition that you have presented to us. I propose that the last image that you are going to present us, we do it in the next moment of the program, where we can already be more proactive.

Now, I invite you to please sit down with us again and we are going to give participation now, yes, to our other two panelists.

Teacher Montejo, right now Fermín was provoking him, saying that “what the economists are talking about”, but I think it’s not just a problem for economists, it’s not even just an economic problem, right?

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: Yes, well, first I would like to comment that the data produced by the investigation and everything that gives is impressive, from the map and the unequal distribution we have of stores where these products are sold, to these latest data very relevant, of the amount of products that do not reach the population.

And here I also want to point out something that he commented on, many times one has the perception that the number of products distributed, assigned, may be similar or very close to normal times and yet there is a queue; because the distribution mechanism we have is also doing it. What would be the effect if we didn’t have that distribution mechanism? Perhaps the quantities and we do not have the data; they obtained the data only once; we do not have the data of what is actually distributed. For this reason, transparency and data are also important in this area to complement all this research.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Are queues a distribution mechanism?

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: Let’s see, the queues are not a distribution mechanism, the queues are the consequence of an economy, let’s say of war, in which we are and a system, the consequence of a scarcity distribution system, where we have shortage.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I understand, you

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I understand, please correct me, that in economics, supply and demand are adjusted, either by price or by quantity. We in our country have tried well, the decisions of the Government, to even protect some prices, to try to influence so that they do not rise too much, therefore I am left with that we are going to adjust by quantity.

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: There is one, there is, let’s say, there is a socialist supportive distributive vocation that tends to justice, equality and also egalitarianism, when we are distributing in the midst of scarcity.
Obviously there is an issue that demand and solvent demand extraordinarily exceed supply, so therefore, anything you take out will always have a tail effect, in some way; and we are talking about this type of product.

There are a number of products that are also distributed equally, but that are in the subsidized products and that obviously do not have this queue, nor this incidence of what we saw in the report; It is for this type of products that they are being demanded, let’s say meat products, oil, personal hygiene, but there are another number of products that are distributed by the warehouses, let’s say, and they do not have that tail effect.

There are other queues, pharmacies, banks, there is a queue effect where demand exceeds supply, immediately there are queues; and not only in Cuba, there are queues everywhere too, whenever these phenomena occur.

In the midst of the pandemic crisis, the queues for masks, the queues at ports with logistical issues, waiting to be attended to, that is, always where these phenomena occur and I believe that they are there; This is also an important principle because there is a logistics issue as well, there is a logistics issue behind quantities, distribution, points of sale; there is a whole logistical science that supports, let’s say, to facilitate and later we will talk about that; which can also facilitate distribution issues.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Logistics is an issue that we can focus on. However, Pedro has another experience than from his participation, intervention as an active delegate in La Rampa. You even became even better known recently with his intervention together with that of other colleagues in Coppelia. How does this happen that we have come here proposing in his territory?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Well, in our environment, the Rampa council works differently. We cannot say that we have eliminated the queue; What we have eliminated, or reduced, is the impact of queues, the impact of waiting, two or three days dialing, and here at the Rampa Council we created a group.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: People from neighborhood people. How does it work, what is neighborhood people?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Well, Gente de barrio is an idea that emerged as a result of the most critical period of the pandemic, with the aim of grouping the factors and the community based on screening and epidemiological surveillance. We started with Whatsapp, today we are extended to Facebook, we are on Telegram.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: With great participation

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: 8,000 members on Facebook and 4,000 on Telegram. And well, about 500 on Whatsapp.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Pedro, I sneaked into Telegram that, although I don’t live in Plaza but well, you have given the possibility that even those of us who don’t live in that municipality can participate and thus inform ourselves, thanks to precisely the transparency with which you have been able to circumvent this issue of queues.

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Indeed, it was a group created for my constituency, the one I represent, which grew and today we have representation in the 15 municipalities of the capital and in two provinces, that is, people from two provinces of Mayabeque and Artemisa , from the incidence here in the Council, of workers from other municipalities, who at the time were able to access those purchases before the municipalization and ordered.
To say that we have reduced that impact from the point of view that we have achieved an interaction with the administrative entities and with the creation of this group has made it easier for us to communicate with people.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: I don’t know if you brought it today, but you usually go around with the Constitution, is that right?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Yes of course, I have it here

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Here it is?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Here it is

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: And with the Constitution it has arrived, according to what I have been told, it has reached these places, stores, and thanks to the correct use of the Constitution you have managed to make certain information transparent about the quantities and the products that those places have.

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Indeed, initially there was a reluctance to the subject because there is also a bit of ignorance of the laws, of what is established and yes, I always go with the Constitution because, besides, it is the supreme law of the state and it is They regulate issues, issues are regulated that, for example, here in Plaza we have already achieved, I was telling you, an interaction, but it was something that initially cost work and that you show and people get to know.

In the article of the Constitution, in its article 10, it says that the organs of the state, their managers, officials and employees are obliged to respect, serve and respond to the people, maintain close ties with them and submit above all, something that is very recurrent these days and that is talked about a lot; and submit to its popular control.

Article 199 also contains the powers of the People’s Council, which is made up of the delegates elected by the people, who make up that Council, and in article 199 the People’s Council, who are its delegates, is given the power to jointly carry out with the factors of the Community, with the people in general, carry out controls and inspections of the entities.

Here at Rampa, as I was saying, we have that interaction; This has already been strengthened with the Cimex- Gastronomy chains, with TRD- West Havana, with TRD- Large stores. And with managers there is a close cooperation that enables us every day; We have been at this for nearly two years, transmitting the next day’s offer to the entire population; the offer of the next day and make transparent the quantities of products that are going to be offered in them.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: This is interesting, because they not only present what they are going to offer, but also the quantity that they can offer.

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: The amount to be offered.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: In other words, it also allows one to organize their time depending on whether or not it is worth making this purchase.

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Indeed, and here in the topic that was currently being discussed about distribution, here in Rampa, that is, since May 20 there is an indication of the store-warehouse link, that you have an assigned store and as we have spoken , the distribution is not equitable for known reasons; Here at Rampa, what we do is serve the entire population in the Rampa stores and we rotate people to achieve equity in that distribution that is arriving, that is done on a daily basis and through popular control.

Well, on the subject of popular control, not everything is golden here in Rampa, right? we work and continue to work to achieve that perfection, yes, there are few queues at the Rampa People’s Council, because otherwise we distribute the shifts at 7:00 in the morning, we usually do it at 7 in the morning the working people pick up their shift and come at the time they are scheduled to be able to buy.

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: You don’t have to lose your whole day of work

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: They don’t have to be in a queue all day

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: On this topic, our Guru has to tell us something in tenths, let’s see.

Candido believes that the colero
it is a commercial network
whose ultimate goal
It’s not squeezing money out of you.
He goes and says: partner
sell me a bread without impudence,
but the colero, of miser,
with the price it bare,
and Cándido with doubt
Why is everything so expensive?

(Tenth of the Guru of Jatibónico)

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: With regard to this Candid Voltarian, who has sent us today the story of our Guru from Jatibónico, we are going to be talking because, without a doubt, resellers, coleros, are one of the additional annoyances to the problem of the queues and many have been the criteria, comments, suggestions that have been sent to us through our networks.
Today for elemental reasons of time, in our program we cannot cover everything, but we do want to bring you specifically one of the complaints that we have received. He says so, and I think our Director is going to show you a screenshot because they also sent it to us with an image.

Those two sacks that you see next to the store in Ánima and Belascoaín are sacks of chicken. The coleros resellers have a modus operandi with the old and the vulnerable enter to buy and under the pretext of helping them extract sacks of chicken; in that same store another modus is with the messengers, the same story.

The opening of the store is at 9:00 in the morning, however, it opened at 8:30, the couriers enter first with wheelbarrows, unload in nearby houses and then the vulnerable return with their assistants, the resellers, all with wheelbarrows and sacks.

Another way is that the queue is one block from the entrance of the store so that people don’t see all the regames, because once you deliver the notebook, you are one block away and you don’t see all the cue-cuela of the resellers .
The first ones in the queue who marked and did not enter the exchange picked up their notebooks from the queue at 10:40 and went to the store at 11:20, an unnecessary madness, a horrible impunity, this follower of the program tells us.
Does this happen to Pedro in his constituency?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: First of all, to say that in our constituency there are no messengers, in our constituency there is a work team, an evaluation team. Constituency no, in our Council. There is a social work team that evaluates each of the vulnerable. We came to attend to more than 600 vulnerable people during the pandemic, who did not have families

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: In the pandemic, we are talking about, at the peak of the pandemic

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: At the peak of the pandemic, at the peak of the pandemic

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: And with respect to queues specifically. How has this topic behaved?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: No, no, today that topic, I wanted to explain how we did it, it is through the Social Work Group; we do not have messengers and in the Council our chain stores were evaluated, they were certified, the ones we have there in the area, the number of vulnerable people that we had evaluated, I return, and I repeat, by the working group and they, when the product arrived, told us how much was destined for that.

And that social work group made up of three people, were the ones who went to the stores and later, with an accounting system, including the signatures of those of the vulnerable, from when they received the product, well identified, with their credential.

Today that has decreased considerably, but we continue assisting vulnerable people; we don’t do it like that. We do it, those same social workers that we have in our Council go to the stores, but they come today from the store-warehouse link, with the vulnerable’s notebook but also their identity card to proceed with the scanning of the person.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Pedro in our groups the idea has been recurrent as to why it is not distributed in the wineries that it is, we already saw that, in the image that Fermín showed us, the stores are unequally distributed, but the no warehouses, the warehouses are strategically distributed. Have you asked, do you have an answer about this? Why?

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona: Yes of course, that is something recurrent in the state of opinion of the population as to why these products are not put in the warehouse and the answer has been that it is due to an infrastructure issue, that is, transportation. , storage, fuel.

I asked and in Havana there are approximately 3,471 wineries that we also know and they have explained to us, that to ensure that basic regulated monthly basket, there is a lot of difficulty in this sense, in the sense of transportation.

We are also talking about that distribution and they have explained it to us, that this distribution, especially of meat products, you receive for the quota

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: And timely

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: When he is going to touch him, which is not appreciated that way, in the specific case of Havana, perhaps because of the very complexities of the capital, number of people, etc.

I believe that committing to the issue of computerization of everything that can be computerized without falling into some things that we have seen, that are computerized, for example, Viajeros and others, Enzona, etc., which have not had the necessary effect, have not been robust enough to offer an alternative; that is why these these solutions that have a lot to do with computerization, they have to give a response that also facilitates and does not start, hinder, then people no longer see

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: They create more discomfort, they created expectations that were later not met

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: They create expectations that were later not fulfilled, but without a doubt, now there is Ticket that is out there promoting itself for another type of queue, another type of service, that is, there is always an application that we can be rescuing, but the point is in which they work; the point is that they facilitate because look, all these elements that help, do not solve the main problem, which is the issue with which we almost started, which is that…

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Scarcity

MSc. Rafael Montejo Véliz: There is the issue of supply, demand, scarcity and therefore, but without a doubt they relieve, they greatly relieve that people don’t have to waste so much time, so much disgust in queues.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Because also in other times of scarcity, we were perhaps able to get around this issue a little better and the queues, well, they were not the great annoyance that we have today.

Fermín finished with you, with the last slide that you had us there present and what are the proposals that you brought there. You can stay there, just refer to that.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Well, things that we could do, because we have to bet on computerization and one of the key things that we have for the application is that we have to look for what we are talking about so much here, even the delegate was referring to them and the teacher too, which is transparency. How good it would be if we did things that are seen by our population and that they can also control wherever they are, so how can we do it?

Dra. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Yes, because for popular control, without transparent and timely access to information, which is also our good information; popular control in the abstract, we cannot do. Collective participation and popular control, require going through this of a timely access to information.

Ing. Fermín Rivas Sotomayor: Likewise, and now things that we can do, already do a local development project. In the case of the application, make some usability improvements, to do it even for mobile applications that are iOS and in the case of decision-makers and for the people, to be able to make some web reports with the most relevant information.

Now about the things that we have been talking about, we must begin to do, to unite information, for example with the computerization of the Oficodas, how good it would be for us to have those records and then, of course, apply the mechanisms that are necessary So that in the organization they take into account why not? Then have the Oficodas computerized by the family nuclei.

And also knowing about the distribution of the stores, of the store chains, that would also give us the same thing, being able to make these comparisons, have that knowledge, even that the store chains know what is being done, where their products are arriving and that fits in itself, in that it has to be an integrated system, so we have to bet on starting to integrate even these systems, these computer systems, to provide transparent information to the population.

Dr. C. Marxlenin Pérez Valdés: Well, I thank all three of you for your time, your participation, your knowledge, your suggestions.

Thank you very much to the three of you for having been on this program on such an urgent and sensitive topic of our daily life as queues.

To you, as I always say and today with greater emphasis, our reality, our daily life, is not enough to be interpreted, described and commented on, but together we have to transform it.

I count on you to do it, see you soon.

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