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Working on solutions with popular participation

mayabeque fabricaThe experience in the provinces of Mayabeque and Artemisa offers an extraordinarily beneficial model for Cuba, especially regarding the separation and delimitation of different functions, which should lead to more coherent processes and comprehensive results.

These views were expressed during an exchange between the member of the Communist Party of Cuba Political Bureau and President of the National Assembly of People’s Power, Esteban Lazo Hernández, and authorities from Mayabeque, regarding the experimental local government system implemented since the founding of the province on January 9, 2011, following the last political-administrative division of the country.

During the meeting, Lazo Hernández spoke about the dynamics of attending to the population, as part of the perfecting of the People’s Power system, and emphasized the teachings of Fidel and the importance of unity in cadres’ efforts in the leadership, administration and control processes.

Meanwhile, he called for stronger links with the population to learn of their ideas and work with popular participation in the solution of difficulties, with discipline, revolutionary awareness, a fighting spirit and tackling any wrong.

Likewise, he stressed that economic efficiency and quality services are prioritized tasks, verified through the controls and audits carried out by the Permanent Work Commissions. In this sense, he noted it was imperative that the results of such evaluations reach the Administration Councils, and form part of the efforts to tackle the problems identified in each municipality or popular council.

The President of the Cuban Parliament referred to the need for the provincial Assembly and administration councils to demand more efficient operation of their entities, key in the management and execution of the budget.

Lazo Hernández also examined the status of the collection of fines, taxes, accounts receivable and payable in the different entities, the priority of reducing idle or slow-moving inventories, and called for systematic economic planning to achieve prosperous and sustainable socialism. The correct implementation of the Guidelines of the Party and Revolution and the institutionalization process were other issues addressed in the working day.


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