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Provincial meetings to study Party Congress documents begin today

pcc-logoMeetings to study documents which will be submitted to the Communist Party of Cuba 7th Congress for consideration and approval begin today in all of the country’s provinces.

The bulk of those in attendance will be delegates elected this past month to participate in the Party’s most important event, scheduled to take place in Havana, April 16-18.

Also participating in the evaluation and discussion will be deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power, trade union leaders, grassroots organizations, administrative personnel, representatives of the ministries of the Interior and the Revolutionary Armed Forces, among others.

The gatherings will begin with a plenary session during which members of Party commissions responsible for drafting the documents will make audiovisual presentations, based on national seminars held on the different issues to be analyzed.

Subsequently, those in attendance will meet in commissions to delve into the documents’ content in more detail, and make proposals they consider relevant.

Finally, reports from these commissions will be fully examined in plenary sessions with all delegates in attendance.

Agreements reached in these provincial commissions and plenary sessions will be evaluated by those responsible for preparing the draft documents, then submitted to Party leadership bodies, and finally to the 7th Congress.


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