Articles of News

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Cuban Army Corps General Julio Casas Regueiro Dies in Havana

Julio Casas Regueiro

Cuban Army Corps General Julio Casas Regueiro, member of the Politburo of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), Vice-president of the Council of State, and Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), died in Havana on Saturday.

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5 Unexpected Places You Can Be Tracked With Facial Recognition Technology


Post-9/11, many airports and a few cities rushed to install cameras hooked to facial recognition technology, a futuristic apparatus that promised to pick out terrorists and criminals from milling crowds by matching their faces to biometric data in large databases. Many programs were abandoned a few years later, when it became clear they accomplished little beyond creeping people out.

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Chile: “We Are Prepared to Give Our Lives for Education”


As students and teachers continue their massive protests in the streets of Chile’s cities, one of the most extreme methods of demanding higher-quality, free public education is the hunger strike being undertaken by 28 youngsters at secondary schools across the country, four of whom have not taken food for nearly 40 days.

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Libya’s Situation Remains Uncertain, The West Loots


poradic combats and contradictory reports over the situation of leader Muammar Gaddafi keep the country’s fate uncertain, while Libyans wait expectantly for a conference that is taking place in Paris, attended by the alleged friends of this country. Spokespersons of the rebels noted that clashes are taking place in Tripoli and other areas away from the city between the opposition and forces loyal to Gaddafi, who is said to be in the city of Bani Walid.

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Chilean Students, President to Meet Saturday


Santiago, Chile, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean Government confirmed that a meeting will be held on Saturday between President Sebastian Piñera and the main leaders of the social movement demanding a free, not-for-profit education. The announcement was made by Education Minister Felipe Bulnes, who said he had remained in contact with the main student

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Libyan Rebels Give Ultimatum to Sirte, as NATO Keeps Bombing


Libyan rebels has set a deadline up to Saturday for Sirte to surrender. Muammar Gaddafi’s hometown has been suffering intense NATO air raids in the past hours to weaken its resistance. Spokespersons of the insurgents say that negotiations continue, but have not been able to break the will of the tribal leaders of Sirte, so they are likely to unleash a terrible 10-day battle.

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Lawyer: “Gerardo is being punished for something for which he is absolutely innocent”


Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cuban Five submitted his request for a habeas corpus relief in March based on new evidence. He received the US reply on 25th April this year opposing his request. He has now submitted a reply with additional information. Radio Havana Cuba spoke to Richard Klugh, a member of the defence team for the Five by telephone to his office in Miami 23rd August 2011 for an up-date on Gerardo’s legal situation.

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New Leaks Reveal Insider Tips on S&P's U.S. Credit Downgrade to Killer-Drone Firm


By We live in an age where insider deals, conflicts of interest, revolving doors between “regulators” and the “regulated” (lubricated with oceans of cash) accompanies the generalized looting of social wealth by deviant capitalist elites. That such behavior by our corporate masters no longer raise an eyebrow, let alone elicit action by authorities charged with

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US Top Diplomat Monitored Internet in Cuba


<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-1949" src="/files/2011/08/201 If I Tell My Ex I Am Over If He Come Back 10604073504-wikileaks-logo.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”250″ />Chief of Mission of the US Interest Section in Havana, Jonathan Farrar, monitored the Internet for possible subversive actions, according to a cable released by Wikileaks and reproduced by Cuban websites on Saturday. Farrar’s

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A firsthand account of events unfolding in Libya


Whilst mainstream news sources portray the war in Libya as a revolution and rebel victory, journalists on the ground in Libya’s capital, Tripoli, paint a very different and bleak picture. Dr. Franklin Lamb, an observer and writer, provides a clear and uncensored account of the war in Libya in his latest article entitled “Tripoli Port notes”.