Articles of Interference

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Dignity sanctioned

Nicolas M

With an old trick, the U.S. sanctions other countries by targeting Presidents or officials not subservient to their interests. Now the total blockade of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is “against Maduro” and not meant to harm the people. Shameless!

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The legal basis of Cuba’s nationalizations

cuba bloqueo

Given the increase in U.S. imperial aggression and arrogance, many Cubans are being heard these days paraphrasing General Antonio Maceo, on the occasion of his historic statement in Mangos de Baraguá, in 1878

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The empire’s double standards

Cuba Cruceros

The new aggressive escalation of the United States Government towards Cuba constitutes another move to tighten the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba, and aggravate its effects, which are felt by the entire Cuban population.

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Cuba is not frightened by the measures tightening the blockade

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The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns in the strongest terms the measures announced by the United States Government on 4 June 2019, further tightening the economic blockade imposed on Cuba for over 60 years, at a cost for the Cuban economy which amounted to over 134 billion dollars in 2018 at current prices, and to the figure of 933 billion dollars, taking into account the devaluation of the US dollar vis-à-vis the price of gold in the world market.

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Cubans have confidence in the power of the truth, of law and justice

Bruno Conf Prensa

During a press conference today, Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, denounced the U.S. State Department, which, he noted, “is busy in dozens of capitals around the world mobilizing efforts to economically attack Cuba”.

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The Cuban Revolution reiterates its resolute determination to confront the aggressive U.S. escalation, and prevail

Bandera cubana

Today, April 17, is the anniversary of the launching of the United State’s 1961 military invasion at Playa Girón. (Bay of Pigs) The Cuban people’s resolute response in defense of the Revolution and socialism, within only 72 hours, produced the first military defeat of imperialism in America.

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Let’s talk Cuban about the Helms-Burton

Logo Helms Burtton

The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act is a vengeful monstrosity that is aimed at breaking the soul of Cuba, through whatever bloodletting is needed, causing an immense shock to leave us prostrate forever.

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Cuba rejects U.S. move to hamper travel by Cuban citizens

Declaracion para Slider CubaminrexII

On March 15, the U.S. chargé d’affaires in Havana, Mara Tekach, announced that, as of March 18, the United States would reduce the validity of its B2 visa from 5 years to three months for Cuban citizens, with a single entry, with the supposed purpose of equating these terms with the validity granted by Cuba to U.S. travelers.

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Traces of the CIA in Venezuela’s nationwide power outage


A memo leaked by WikiLeaks in September of 2010 points to the actions of the CIA in the recent nationwide power failure in Venezuela. The author is Srdja Popovic, founding member of the well-known subversive organization, Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), based in Belgrade that declares the promotion of “democracy”.

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Cuban Foreing Ministry strongly rejec discrepetful interference by State Department

Declaracion para Slider CubaminrexII

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba strongly rejects the disrespectful statement issued by the US State Department, attributed to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, which intends to question the constitutional referendum that was freely and sovereignly held by all Cubans on February 24 last.