Articles of Human Rights

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Cuba elected to Human Rights Council by 88% of UN Members

cartel cuba derechos humanos

U.S. manipulation and coercion have once again failed. Their desperate efforts to organize a boycott of the election of Cuba as a member of the UN Human Rights Council went nowhere and Cuba was elected, for the fifth time, yesterday, with the votes of 170 countries, to occupy a seat within this body, among the eight reserved for the Latin American and Caribbean group of member states.

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New United States measure intensifies the blockade against Cuba


The United States announced today a new measure to tighten the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba , by sanctioning a company that participates in sending remittances to the Caribbean island. The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said this Monday through a tweet that the sanction against the Cuban remittance company American International Services (AIS)

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Council of Ministers examines the economic-social agenda and approves new measures for the business sector


This is how the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, reflected during the ordinary session of the Council of Ministers, corresponding to the month of September, where he referred to the commendable battle that the nation is waging against COVID-19 and the way in which that the Government should resume the work systems, at all levels, even with the presence of the disease.

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Billionaire Donald Trump paid $750.00 in taxes the year he won the presidency


The New York tycoon has managed to be exempt from paying more taxes since he declared more losses than income during the entrance of the new century , something, points out this media, that has not prevented him from enjoying an expensive lifestyle by “deducting taxes on what some would consider personal expenses, “such as the use of their residences, airplanes and $ 70,000 in hairdressing to go to television and makeup sessions for their daughter Ivanka Trump.

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Intl Day of Sign Languages


Sign language is part of everyday life in the world. The date is a unique opportunity to support and protect the linguistic identity and cultural diversity of all deaf people and other users of sign language. According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are currently 72 million deaf people on the planet.

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The United States is the world’s major violator of human rights

cartel derechos humanos

“The United States is the world’s major violator of human rights,” stated Jorge Valero, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council. As part of a series of conferences on global governance and development, entitled “The challenges and common problems of humanity at the current time.

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President of Cuba’s National Assembly rejects efforts to restore unipolar world order

Covid- medicos

“During the pandemic, and despite international opposition, the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States for six decades has been tightened. A genocidal blockade that not only violates the human rights of Cubans, including the legitimate right to development, while denying and offending the sovereign right of other countries.

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Hope prevails in nine Cuban schools comprehensively addressing autism

cuba curso escolar

The hermetic world of children with autistic spectrum disorders, full of enigmas, is brightened with the light of hope, thanks to a heavy dose of love, affection, and dedication from staff working at the country’s educational institutions specialized in supporting them.
The Héroes del Moncada School is one of these, located in a historic mansion under the sponsorship of the Camagüey City.

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Thank you, Fidel, for being, above all, human

Fide niña africa

Over the years, many have wondered about the source of the leader of the Cuban Revolution’s inexhaustible energy. How was this exceptional man able to function without rest, with his thoughts perennially directed toward the wellbeing of his people, toward the possibility of a better world with a place for everyone, with rights and opportunities for all?

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Morality as our banner

Cuba papalote

Once again, an attempt was made to manipulate the issue of human rights to discredit Cuba, following the same dishonest, 60-year-old prefabricated script. The double standards, political manipulation and selectivity in addressing the issue were deployed unsuccessfully, in an effort to overshadow our achievements before the world. The stage on this occasion was the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.