Articles of heroes

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A star on the chests of 13 tireless Cubans

Canel heroes condecoracion

“Your example has special significance, as the response of Cuban workers, laborers and professionals, fighting, thinking and working as a country, contributing decisively to the continuity of this beautiful revolutionary work,” stated José Antonio Pérez Pérez, member of the CTC (Federation of Cuban Workers) national secretariat.

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Our heroes and martyrs have not been forgotten

Raul Homenaje

Army General Raúl Castro Ruz honored heroes and martyrs of the Cuban Revolution in Santiago’s Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, on the very day chosen in 1959 to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for the good of the nation.

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“The day only one Cuban is left to make this revolution, it will be me”

Frank P

Frank País García was among those men who move people, conquer plains and mountain tops, who see the light on the horizon, and speak for all. The young revolutionary was shot by Batista’s henchmen, 62 years ago, thinking that with 20 bullets they could bury him in oblivion. But the date was chosen in his honor, to become Martyrs of the Cuban Revolution Day.

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Honoring working class heroes

Heroes del trabajo

Men and women who have devoted their lives for the benefit of society were awarded the honorary title of Heroes and Heroines of Labor of the Republic of Cuba, presented by José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Party Central Committee.

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President Raúl Castro honors Revolution leaders with Work Hero title


Cuban President Raul Castro has decorated three leaders of the 1959 Revolution with the title of “Work Hero of the Republic of Cuba.” The ceremony, held over the weekend in Havana’s Capitol building, home of the National Assembly, commemorated the 123rd anniversary of the beginning of what National Hero José Martí called Cuba’s ‘Necessary War.’

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Three Mambises of our times


Speech by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, in the tribute ceremony held in the Capitolio building, February 24, 2018, “Year 60 of the Revolution”

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Tribute to those who fell in defense of freedom

opèracion tributo

The military ceremony held this Monday to mark the 119th anniversary of the death in combat of Major General Antonio Maceo and his assistant, Captain Panchito Gómez Toro, was also an occasion to commemorate the posthumous tribute which began 26 years ago, through Operación Tributo (Operation Tribute), with the transfer of the remains of those Cubans who lost their lives fighting in Angola and elsewhere in Africa.