Articles of Cuba

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Estimates indicate that the Cuban economy did not decline in 2019, another victory over the U.S. blockade

motos venta

Despite the limitations, and thanks to the efforts of our people, it is estimated that the Cuban economy will not decline in 2019, evidence of our capacity to resist and the untapped potential we have, said Alejandro Gil Fernández, Minister of Economy and Planning, when informing deputies of the economy’s performance in 2019, prior to the Fourth Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People’s Power Ninth Legislature.

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Plenary session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power opens in Havana

Asamblea Banderas

Scheduled to take the floor this morning are the ministers of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández, and of Agriculture, Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero. Both have played an essential role during the exceptional energy situation the country recently experienced, Esteban Lazo Hernández, President of the National Assembly of People’s Power, reminded deputies.

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The country that will not forget because we have memory and will protect it

Canel Asambvlea nacional cultura

A culture of conservation of our historical memory must be created, not only taking action, but also training entities to sustain this work, emphasized the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, in his comments, Wednesday, in the Education, Culture, Science, Technology and Environment Committee, where the program underway to detain the deterioration of the nation’s documentary patrimony was discussed.

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“Saving, being efficient, always produces earnings”

Diaz Canel Asamblea

The people have faced the fuel crisis with the best response: solidarity, understanding, seeking and providing solutions. They rose to the occasion, but we must continue to promote awareness, since this is the responsible way to act, said the President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, yesterday, during a working session of the Industry, Construction and Energy Committee.

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The Cuban economy has advanced without neoliberal prescriptions


Given the complex international situation Cuba faces, marked by the intensification of hostile U.S. policy, the nation has resisted and achieved positive results, insisted the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, during a meeting of the Economic Affairs Committee.

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Cuban Council of State calls elections for provincial governors and deputy governors

Canel Consejo de Ministros

With Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, President of the Republic, in attendance, the Council of State met on Friday and agreed to set the date for the election of provincial governors and vice governors as Saturday, January 18, and to that effect, delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power will meet simultaneously that day, throughout the country.

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They cannot forgive us for uniting in solidarity as Latin Americans and Caribbeans without imperial tutelage


Speech by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, during the political-cultural event commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the peoples of Our America-Peoples Trade Agreement, at the University of Havana’s Grand Stairway, December 14, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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UN agency announces lowest growth rate for Latin American and Caribbean economies in 70 years

cartel cuba eeuu

The region has experienced a generalized, synchronized economic slowdown in most countries and sectors, completing six consecutive years of limited growth, ECLAC reported on Thursday, in its latest annual report released by its headquarters in Santiago de Chile.

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The real interest of the United States and transnational corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean

industrias importacion

Our America is again suffering escalating aggression by U.S. imperialism and local oligarchies. The region is experiencing a sad reality involving dangerous turmoil and socio-political instability, promoted by Washington. The hemisphere’s most reactionary forces are attacking sovereign governments with coups, methods of unconventional war,

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Life defeats death

canel argentina

More than 5,000 detainees, barely 200 survivors, in 2,818 days of dictatorship, are the macabre numbers that mark the “record” of terror behind the walls of the former Navy Petty-Officers School, the fearsome ESMA, one of the dictatorship’s largest secret centers of detention, torture and extermination.