Articles of Constitution of the Republic

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The defense of the socialist homeland is an honor, a duty and a right


What law has greater authority than the one that grants legitimacy, written and approved by the vote of the overwhelming majority of the people, who enact it themselves, for their own wellbeing, to define the present and protect the future of their children?
What opinion can refute the arguments set forth in the Constitution of the Republic, or annul the rights established for its citizens.

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No matter the challenge, we continue to reach for the stars

cartel constitución

A year has gone by, and if it were necessary to define it in a single word there is none more accurate than “transcendental.” Twelve months of unceasing work since more than eight million Cubans supported what has been, since February 24, the supreme law of Cuban society, based on the dream José Martí bequeathed to us of a Republic of exceptional humanism. The approval of a more advanced constitutional text was not only proof of the continuity that has marked the course of our revolutionary process, but at the same time, the starting point for another stage of intense, challenging work.

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History teaches us that when there is unity of objectives, and a sense of the nationhood, all obstacles can be overcome

Diaz canel discurso A Nac

Speech by Miguel M. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, closing the Third Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of People’s Power Ninth Legislature, at Havana’s Convention Center, April 13, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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Raúl: The Constitution we proclaim today guarantees the continuity of the Revolution and the irrevocability of our socialism

Raul A Nac discurso

Speech delivered by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, during the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the People’s Power Ninth Legislature, on the occasion of the proclamation of the Constitution of the Republic, in the Convention Center, April 10, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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National Assembly proclaims new Constitution

Proclamacion constitiucion

As he did in 1976, Raúl Castro Ruz, first Party secretary again had the honor of proclaiming Cuba’s new Constitution in an extraordinary session of the National Assembly of People’s Power, yesterday April 10.

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LIVE: Second Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power

Raul Diaz Canel A Nacional

With the presence of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee; and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers; and other authorities of the Republic of Cuba, the Second Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power was convened.

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Over 7.5 million Cubans voted the new Constitution


The National Electoral Commission reported that until five o’clock in the Sunday afternoon over 7.5 million Cubans had gone to the polls, which represents 81.53 percent of the total registered voters in the updated lists.

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Cubans’ Participation in Referendum Exceeds 80 Percent


One hour after the closure of more than 24,000 polling stations in Cuba for the referendum on the new Constitution, about 81.53 percent of voters had exercised their right to vote, the National Electoral Commission (CEN) said on Monday.

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Maduro Lauds Constitutional Referendum in Cuba

Si referendo

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Monday congratulated the Cuban people and Government for the referendum on the new Constitution on Sunday.

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Cubans Convinced Referendum is a Sign of Democracy


Cubans affirmed that the constitutional process that is currently marking an important stage with the referendum for the ratification of the new constitution is a reflection of democracy in their country.