Articles of sexual orientation

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Cuban University Students in Virtual Sexuality Forum


Santiago de Cuba, Jan 10 (Prensa Latina) The First National Student Conclave Virtual University of learning about sexuality will be held at the Medical University of this city from the next 28 january, organizers said today. Sexsalud 2013 will be carry out by Infomed, the telematics network system in Cuba, and it is sponsored by the National Center for Sexual Education (CENESEX), Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences and magazines Alma Mater and April 16.

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Contemporary LGBT rights in Cuba with Mariela Castro

Mariela Castro

In 2010 the Cuban government began providing sex reassignment surgery free of charge as part of their universal healthcare. This was the result of several years of work by the Cuban National Center for Sex Education under the leadership of Mariela Castro Espín, niece of Fidel Castro and daughter of current Cuban president Raúl Castro.

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Communist Party of Cuba against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

PCC Cuba

I bought it this morning at my nearest news-stand and I first read it throughout while standing in the bus, then after I found a seat and finally in my office. I devoured the base document for the National Conference of the Communist Party of Cuba to be held next January. It was published last Friday and contains two explicit references to sexual orientation, something unheard of in our country.