Articles of Politics

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The fight against Ebola: Cuba’s contribution

medicos cubanos ebola

Dr. Jorge Delgado Bustillo tells Granma International of the 12,000 Cuban professionals (a three-day record) who volunteered to fight the disease as part of the Henry Reeve Contingent, created in 2005 by Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro, and specialized in tackling natural disasters and epidemics, with work in 18 countries to date.

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Paris 2015: Binding agreement in climate change needed

Paris conferencia logo

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change continued its work sessions the first week of December, with representatives from 195 countries focused on establishing an international agreement to put a brake on rising temperatures, limiting the increase to two degrees Celsius with respect to the planet’s pre-industrial average. The COP21 High Level Segment took place December 7-8, with remarks made by heads of state and delegation leaders, as a compliment to the meeting held to initiate the summit.

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National Assembly to focus on economy

asamblea nacional logo

The economy’s 2015 performance and projections for the coming year, including the proposed state budget, will be the focus of analysis during the National Assembly of People’s Power upcoming Sixth Period of Ordinary Sessions, scheduled to open December 29. Also on the agenda is the election of justices to the People’s Supreme Court.

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Tribute to those who fell in defense of freedom

opèracion tributo

The military ceremony held this Monday to mark the 119th anniversary of the death in combat of Major General Antonio Maceo and his assistant, Captain Panchito Gómez Toro, was also an occasion to commemorate the posthumous tribute which began 26 years ago, through Operación Tributo (Operation Tribute), with the transfer of the remains of those Cubans who lost their lives fighting in Angola and elsewhere in Africa.

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Message from Raúl to Maduro


Message from Raúl to Maduro
We will always be with you, Army General Raúl Castro expressed, in a message sent to the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, following the legislative elections held this Sunday

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The fight against climate change hits the international agenda

Paris conferencia logo

“THE Paris Conference will, without question, not resolve everything, but nothing can be resolved without it (…) All of us know that combating global warming is more than just an environmental matter (…) Together, let us make the Paris Climate Conference the historic success the world is waiting for.” With these words Laurent Fabius opened the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris.

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The road to victory begins

granma desmbarco

Where the expeditionaries landed, the sea was shallow and calm. Three men jumped from the boat. Juan Almeida observed, “At first the water reached their waists, then their chests, their chins … then again, below their necks, their chests. With the rope in their hands, they reached the mangroves and tied it off. Now they jump in, one at a time. The heavier men sink into the mud when they jump, the lighter ones help them out.”

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A driver for the Cuban medical brigade in Venezuela, the son of the Granma yacht’s skipper in 1956

Granma capitan Collado

He bears his uncle’s name, as a commitment to the man who raised him with the affection of a father, told him the most exciting sailor’s stories, and took him by the hand on many occasions to see the white yacht that was his pride and joy. But Norberto’s work is his best tribute.

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Revolutionary Government Statement

Declaracion cuba minrex

Since the beginning of the month of November, a difficult situation has developed as a result of the arrival to Costa Rica of an increasing number of Cuban citizens, coming from various Latin American countries, with the intention of emigrating to the United States

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Press release from Cuban delegation to migration talks in U.S.

cuba ee uu banderas

On November 30, a new round of migratory talks took place between delegations from Cuba and the United States, respectively led by the Ministry of Foreign Relations’ Director General for the United States, Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for South America, Edward Alex Lee.