Articles of Medical Sciences

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Editorial Health Fair will present more than 30 works of Medical Sciences


More than 30 works of the scientific production of Medical Sciences and other renowned publishers will be presented at the Editorial Health Fair, inaugurated at the Convention Center of Havana as part of the collateral activities that take place in the IV Cuba Health International Convention 2022. The event will bring together the most innovative scientific and health literature that is developed in Cuba, as well as updated research by prestigious authors, both national and foreign.

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World Youth Study Medicine in Cuba


More than 20,000 youth from Latin American, African and Oceania countries are currently training in the Medical Sciences universities of all Cuban provinces. The 2011-2012 school year officially began on Monday at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM), located at the outskirts of Havana, with an enrollment of about 2,300 foreign students. This is the 12th academic year of this institution, founded in 1999 by an initiative by the leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro. Previously, the center graduated about 10,000 physicians.