Articles of European Parliament

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Cuba and the European Union reaffirm willingness to expand interparliamentary ties


Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power, and the deputy to the European Parliament, Massimiliano Smeriglio, ratified today in Havana the will to expand and strengthen inter-parliamentary relations. As reported by the Parliament on Twitter, the head of the Assembly exchanged with the MEP at the headquarters of the National Capitol as part of the work agenda of the Italian politician and writer. The MEP, a member of the Democratic Party in Italy, toured rooms of interest in the Capitol along with the delegation that accompanies him.

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European Parliament, what a shame!

Cuba pueblo

This Thursday, the European Parliament approved, by a majority vote, a resolution full of lies, demanding the “immediate release” of Cuban counterrevolutionary José Daniel Ferrer, a mercenary in the service of a foreign power detained for acts of violence, disruption of the public order, and illegal acts.

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From The night of Europe to an era of rapprochement

Gianni Pittela

The President of the ProgressiveAlliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D Group)in the European Parliament, renowned Italian politician Gianni Pittella, who recently led a delegation of MEPs to the island, spoke about this and other relevant matters which, if we consider ourselves to be cohabitants of the same planet, not only concern the European Parliament, but us all.