Articles of Democracy

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History teaches us that when there is unity of objectives, and a sense of the nationhood, all obstacles can be overcome

Diaz canel discurso A Nac

Speech by Miguel M. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, closing the Third Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of People’s Power Ninth Legislature, at Havana’s Convention Center, April 13, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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Raúl: The Constitution we proclaim today guarantees the continuity of the Revolution and the irrevocability of our socialism

Raul A Nac discurso

Speech delivered by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, during the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the People’s Power Ninth Legislature, on the occasion of the proclamation of the Constitution of the Republic, in the Convention Center, April 10, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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National Assembly proclaims new Constitution

Proclamacion constitiucion

As he did in 1976, Raúl Castro Ruz, first Party secretary again had the honor of proclaiming Cuba’s new Constitution in an extraordinary session of the National Assembly of People’s Power, yesterday April 10.

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LIVE: Second Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power

Raul Diaz Canel A Nacional

With the presence of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee; and Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers; and other authorities of the Republic of Cuba, the Second Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power was convened.

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Popular discussion begins, from our roots to the future

csa Fidel Birán

In Birán, birthplace of heroes, the national consultation on constitutional reform began. Precisely on August 13, as men and women across Cuba and the world honored Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro on his 92nd birthday, taking place in his native land were the first of 135,000 meetings scheduled through November 15, during which the people will act as the nation’s legitimate constituent body.

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Counting on all Cubans

Cuba const 13 agosto

All Cuban citizens living abroad have the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the proposed new Constitution of the Republic, an unprecedented step that reflects the government’s determination to take into consideration the opinions of all Cubans, both in and outside the country.

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Minute to minute: National Assembly Constituent Session

Raul Castro y Diaz Canel

The Republic of Cuba’s Council of State agreed to initiate, on April 18, the Constituent Session of the National Assembly of People’s Power 9th Legislature, at the Havana International Conference Center. Follow our coverage live on our official Facebook and Twitter accounts

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Cuba Moves Forward Constituent Session of New Legislature


The Council of State of Cuba announced on Monday that the constituent session of the 9th Legislature of the National Parliament, initially scheduled for Thursday 19, has been moved forward to Wednesday 18.

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Our deputies have all the merits and abilities needed to represent us in the National Assembly

Parlamento cuba

With the same rights enjoyed by the Cuban people, the principal protagonists in the democratic, participative process of the 2017-2018 general elections, readers of Granma International are offereda dialogue, organized by our multimedia staff, with members of the National Candidatures Commission on their work during these historic elections.

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The United States is an oligarchy, not a democracy

Mapa EEUU democracia

“The government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.” By replacing the term “people” in Abraham Lincoln’s well-known phrase with those who have real power in the United States, we gain a more exact idea of how U.S. politics and society work.