Articles of Coffee

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Another formula to sweeten the bitter taste of coffee


Its defenders maintain that there is nothing sweeter than bitter coffee. With the substantial increase in purchase price, it certainly tastes sweeter to growers. The ones who really find it bitter are the processing companies, since this measure has generated losses, which they will have to compensate for in an unusual way. In the Artemiseña company located in Bahía Honda, they also make charcoal, collect palm kernels, sell yaguas, rice, mameyes… to improve their income.

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Cuba’s largest coffee exporter completes first direct commercial operation to European market

cafe recolectora

After almost a year of adjustments to gain self-sufficiency in foreign trade operations, the Asdrúbal López Coffee Processing Company, the largest Cuban exporter of the aromatic grain, this month completed its first direct commercial operation, towards the European market. And so this efficient socialist company was launched in its category as the first exporting pole of Guantánamo – approved in January of this year – which authorizes it to trade with the world directly, a crucial step to assume its promising position within the strategic program of local development.