Articles of CELAC

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Cuba Receives the Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC

Raul Castro en la cumbre de la Celac

Santiago de Chile, 28 Jan (Prensa Latina) The Head of State of Cuba, Raúl Castro, was granted by Chile the pro tempore presidency of the Communitty of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), at the closure of the First Summit of this integration bloc in this capital. Prensa Latina will keep informing its readers on the outcome of this international meeting. Piñera wished Cuban president, “a year full of good work” , to which Castro answered “I will continue the good work”.

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Chileans Support Cuba’s Presidency in CELAC

logo Celac

Santiago, Chile, Jan 28 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean Movement of Solidarity with Cuba will support that archipelago in the pro tempore presidency it is assuming in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), with a rally in this capital today. In remarks to Prensa Latina, activist Pedro Bronzic stated that a rally will be held at Plaza Italia to support the Cuban Revolution, which continues at the center of the international right-wing attacks.

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CELAC Historic Birth in Caracas

Cumbre CELAC. Caracas 2011

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) will be officially created on Saturday during the final session of the Summit of heads of State and Government of the region, gathered since December 2 in this capital with that purpose.