Reflections by Fidel »

The Opinion Of An Expert

The Opinion Of An Expert

If I were to be asked who best knows about Israeli thinking, I would answer that without question it is Jeffrey Goldberg. He is an indefatigable journalist, capable of having dozens of meetings to ascertain how some Israeli leader or intellectual may think. He is not neutral, of course; he is pro-Israeli, no ands ifs or buts. When one of them does not agree with the policy of that country, that too is not done halfway. For my aim, it is important to know the thinking that guides the main political and military leaders of that State.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Principal Chapter Of The Latest Book

The Principal Chapter Of The Latest Book

After publishing the two Reflections about Daniel Estulin’s book entitled “The True Story of the Bilderberg Club”, the author sent a message requesting an interview with me. Before our meeting, I wanted to read an important chapter from his new book that is about to be published and must be translated from English. Yesterday I got the book already translated in Cuba. Its contents are spectacular and it deserves to be analyzed in its essential aspects. By choosing some paragraphs from that material, I am offering an idea about the contents of the chapter which provides important facts that signify a challenge for the technicians.

Reflections by Fidel »

Nuclear Winter

Nuclear Winter

I am embarrassed to not know about a subject, one that I have not even heard mentioned. Otherwise I should have understood much earlier that the risks of a nuclear war were much more serious than I imagined. I was assuming that the planet was able to withstand the explosion of hundreds of nuclear bombs upon realizing that both in the United States as well as in the USSR countless tests had been done over the years. I had not taken into account one quite simple reality: it is not the same to explode 500 nuclear bombs in 1,000 days as it is to have them explode in one single day.

Reflections by Fidel »

I Am Ready To Continue The Discussion

I Am Ready To Continue The Discussion

I have presented the idea; not the idea that Obama is powerful or super-powerful. He prefers to play basketball or to make speeches. Besides, he has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. Michael Moore urged him now to actually deserve it. Perhaps nobody would ever have imagined, and he the least of all, the idea that in this final phase of 2010, if he observes the instructions of the United Nations Security Council, which perhaps are firmly being urged by a South Korean named Ban Ki-moon, he will become responsible for the disappearance of the human race.

Reflections by Fidel »

I Am Optimistic On Rational Grounds

I Am Optimistic On Rational Grounds

The future worries me, but I believe evermore that the solution is within our grasp, if we are successful in having the truth reach a sufficient number of people among the billions inhabiting the planet.

Reflections by Fidel »

Am I Overdoing It?

Am I Overdoing It?

I was stunned to realize to what extent education could be distorted and prostituted in a country with more than 8 000 nuclear weapons and the most powerful means of war in the whole world.

Reflections by Fidel »

The World Government (part II)

The World Government (part II)

In Part II of this Reflection I have included quite a few lines of the final part of his book. They explain his contempt against the hateful Bilderberg Club. It is terrible to think that the intelligence and the feelings of children and youth in the United States could be mutilated in such a way. We have to struggle now to prevent them from being pushed into a nuclear holocaust, we should help them recover as much as possible their physical and mental health and figure out the ways in which human beings could be freed forever from such a terrible fate.

Reflections by Fidel »

The World Government (part I)

The World Government (part I)

I was referring to writer Daniel Estulin. A total of 475 pages, 20 lines each, would be awaiting my review of the fantastic story narrated by the aforementioned author if any of the participants in that meeting dared to deny its presence there of its participation in the events described in the book.

Reflections by Fidel »

The United Nations, Impunity And War

The United Nations, Impunity And War

I’m not sure how many noticed that among other absurdities, the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, fulfilling orders from above, committed the blunder of appointing Alvaro Uribe (when he was about to complete his mandate) as vice president of the commission to investigate the Israeli attack on the humanitarian fleet carrying essential food to the besieged population in the Gaza Strip. The attack occurred in international waters and at a considerable distance from the coast.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Giant With Seven League Boots (part Two)

The Giant With Seven League Boots (part Two)

I will be faithful to the principles and ethics that I have practiced since I became a revolutionary. Today I am honored to share the views of Manuel López Obrador, and without the slightest doubt, much sooner than he imagines, everything will change in Mexico.