Articles of War

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Libyan Capital Hammered by NATO Bombings


adobe oem software p> Tripoli was under a new wave of bombardments by NATO planes as rebel forces claimed new advances by land, as yet unconfirmed by the Libyan official media. Dense columns of smoke rose in the Bad el Aziziya area, where the residence of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is located, and in districts

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Not the Left: Who Will Save Libya From Its Western Saviours?

Bombas en Libia, lanzada bajo la operación "Odisea al Amanecer"

buy oem software p>Jean Bricmont y Diana Johnstone CounterPunch Last March, a coalition of Western powers and Arab autocracies banded together to sponsor what was billed as a short little military operation to “protect Libyan civilians”. On March 17, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1973 which gave that particular “coalition of the willing” the

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NATO’s “Qana Massacre” at Majer, Libya (+ Video)

Qana Massacre

By Franklin Lamb August 12, 2011 “Information Clearing House” – Every Muslim & Christian Palestinian refugee in Lebanon, and every Lebanese citizen whose family members or loved ones were slaughtered during Israel’s two massacres at Qana, Lebanon, is reminded today of the indescribable loss suffered yesterday by their Libyan sisters and brothers at Majer, Libya.

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Good Night, Afghanistan

Barack Obama

A calm and cool American president announces a small withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, less than 10% of the total number, in an expression of caution that masks the limits of empire. In an address remarkable for its brevity, President Barack Obama essentially announced success, lectured Afghanistan on its responsibilities to secure its territory, and noted upcoming troop withdrawals.

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Cuba Denounces Lack of Political Will on Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Disarmament

prescription diet dog food p> Cuba denounced on Thursday at the United Nations the lack of political will of several states to make real progress in nuclear disarmament. It also proposed the immediate creation of a UN fund with at least half the world military spending to be allocated to economic and social development of

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Libyan Government Gives Weapons to the People


The Libyan Government started to distribute weapons among the population in anticipation of a NATO land invasion, according to a spokesman who denied reports on the capture of a western city by rebels. According to government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, “many cities are organizing squadrons to repeal any possible land attack” by the North Atlantic Treaty

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The War That Never Ended

The War That Never Ended

150 years ago, shells were lobbed into Fort Sumpter, South Carolina, and the Civil War began. In 4 years, over 600,000 combatants were killed, more than in Vietnams long, 9-year war. Isn’t it interesting that the war fought to preserve slavery was fought in the nation called “land of the free?” From 1861 to 1865

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Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up, Indeed!

Lawrence Wilkerson

By Lawrence Wilkerson Several  nights ago (6 April), I watched “Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up” at the West End Cinema in Washington. Six months ago, Saul Landau, the filmmaker, had given me an earlier rough-cut version on DVD that I had watched, but I was not prepared for the final version with all

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Cyberwar Against Cuba. Summit Kicks off Monday in Panama

Ciberguerra contra Cuba

futures trading strategies p>(The South Journal) Panama will be the venue of an event to be held April 11-15, whose objective is the setting up of an “elite international task force” to enhance the cyberwar against Cuba. The sponsors of this meeting, under the intellectualized name of “Thinking Cuba”, use military terms like “task force”,

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Libyan rebels receive foreign training

Rebels said Friday's NATO raid that killed at least 13 people was "collateral damage". Photo: Reuters

US and Egyptian special forces have reportedly been providing covert training to rebel fighters in the battle for Libya, Al Jazeera has been told. An unnamed rebel source related how he had undergone training in military techniques at a “secret facility” in eastern Libya. He told our correspondent Laurence Lee, reporting from the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi, that he was sent to fire Katyusha rockets but was given a simple, unguided version of the rocket instead.