Articles of Soft Coup

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Unconventional war against Cuba: What are its most recent manifestations?


Unconventional warfare has evolved over time. In a work on strategic intelligence, written in 1948 by Sherman Kent, a professor at Yale University, it would be defined that from then on wars, influenced by the United States, would be unconventional. Other theorists have also referred to this concept, according to Elio Perera Pena, a researcher at the Center for International Policy Research (CIPI). Speaking at the Round Table, the expert pointed out that the United States conceptualized this type of war through the terminology dictionary of the Department of Defense.

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Before the virtual Cuba, the real Cuba: Declaration of the House of the Americas


In recent days we have received many messages from friends of the House and of the Cuban Revolution who, faced with the persistent and gloomy news that proliferate in the media and networks, ask with concern what is happening in our country. Are “the people” and “the government” really facing each other? Is Cuba a “failed state” incapable of solving a crisis? The same state that they call “failed” bravely called, just a week ago, for a referendum on the very advanced Family Code.

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The simulation failed

cuba pueblo

Simulation is the basic strategy employed by some figures intent upon subverting the social order chosen and supported by the majority of Cubans, of our own free will, camouflaging their political intentions with artistic concerns; faking interest in dialogue when the real goal is the imposition of an intransigent monologue; and proclaiming independent, spontaneous attitudes, behind which the promotion of a servile, submissive project is easily discovered.

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Soft coup script is repeated and once again fails

jose marti

Another counterrevolutionary provocation took place on the morning of January 27, in front of the Ministry of Culture, when a group of persons, the majority known to be cyber-mercenaries in the pay of the U.S. government, mounted a media show with a re-edited version the script about “necessary dialogue” between institutions and artists, a dialogue that this group has sabotaged on a number of occasions and which, in fact, is of no interest to them, as has been made clear by their conduct since November of 2020.

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Workers at the Ministry of Culture confront media provocation

reportero-adn contrarrevolucion

This past December, the Ministry of Culture issued a statement entitled “Those who asked for dialogue disrupt the dialogue.” The document was drafted after Fernando Rojas, Deputy Minister of Culture, received via e-mail an “unacceptable” message from several of the persons with whom he had met on November 27, when, on a very meaningful date for Cubans, a group of artists gathered in front of the Ministry’s headquarters to demand a dialogue. Some of the individuals present came in response to a call posted on social networks by persons who had no interest whatsoever in discussing cultural issues.