Articles of society

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Cienfuegos shines on its bicentennial


Celebrating its two hundred years without a wrinkle is this city, blessed by the sea and heir to ancient legends, founded in 1819 with the name of Fernandina de Jagua by Frenchman Don Luis Declouet, today Cienfuegos, loved by Benny Moré and all those who come to visit.

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History teaches us that when there is unity of objectives, and a sense of the nationhood, all obstacles can be overcome

Diaz canel discurso A Nac

Speech by Miguel M. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, closing the Third Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of People’s Power Ninth Legislature, at Havana’s Convention Center, April 13, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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The Cuban Revolution reiterates its resolute determination to confront the aggressive U.S. escalation, and prevail

Bandera cubana

Today, April 17, is the anniversary of the launching of the United State’s 1961 military invasion at Playa Girón. (Bay of Pigs) The Cuban people’s resolute response in defense of the Revolution and socialism, within only 72 hours, produced the first military defeat of imperialism in America.

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Let’s talk Cuban about the Helms-Burton

Logo Helms Burtton

The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act is a vengeful monstrosity that is aimed at breaking the soul of Cuba, through whatever bloodletting is needed, causing an immense shock to leave us prostrate forever.

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Efforts to secure the release of abducted Cuban doctors continue

medico secuestrado

Patients of Assel Herrera and Landy Rodríguez in Kenya, upon hearing the news of the abduction, have expressed their concern and prayers in gestures of gratitude to these two doctors who came to the region despite very challenging material conditions.

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Díaz-Canel: Cuba is making every effort to secure the safe return of Assel and Landy

medicos secuestrados

“Cuba is working tirelessly for the safe return of Assel (Herrera) and Landy (Rodríguez), our doctors abducted in Kenya,” stated Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers, on his Twitter account, adding, “We share the certainty, with them and their loved ones, that their humanitarian mission will be respected and recognized. We believe in the power of solidarity.”

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Efficiency: a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry

Diaz en biotecnologia

To ensure stability in the basic supply of medications and reduce shortages, on April 8, President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez called for greater efforts to replace imports with domestic products and incorporate new ones; diversify markets and meet with export projections; while strengthening the investment process – despite the complex financial context – to increase productive capacity.

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Ministry of Public Health Communiqué

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Channels of communication were immediately established with authorities in Kenya to address the situation surrounding the kidnapping of two Cuban collaborators in that country, and family members here are being kept informed

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Raúl: The Constitution we proclaim today guarantees the continuity of the Revolution and the irrevocability of our socialism

Raul A Nac discurso

Speech delivered by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, during the Second Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the People’s Power Ninth Legislature, on the occasion of the proclamation of the Constitution of the Republic, in the Convention Center, April 10, 2019, Year 61 of the Revolution

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National Assembly proclaims new Constitution

Proclamacion constitiucion

As he did in 1976, Raúl Castro Ruz, first Party secretary again had the honor of proclaiming Cuba’s new Constitution in an extraordinary session of the National Assembly of People’s Power, yesterday April 10.