Articles of Services

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Cola.CU (I): A bet against hoarders and resellers


Since September 1, 2020, the Cola.CU application has been operating in the capital, aimed at strengthening order in the stores of the Caribe and Cimex chains. The automated system records purchase history and makes it possible to identify the frequency with which people visit these facilities, as well as the products they purchase. The idea -which arose in the midst of covid-19- was promoted by the Union of Informatics of Cuba and developed by the Eureka Scientific Group of the “José Antonio Echeverría” Technological University of Havana (Cujae), led by Professor Joaquín Pina Amargos.

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Legal norms governing self-employment modified

Trabajo cuenta propia

Over the last eight years, self-employment in Cuba has continued to expand, from approximately 157,000 workers in 2010 to 589,000 in 2018, currently representing 13% of the country’s workforce.

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Quality services and care must define public health institutions

Servicios salud reuni´´on

It is possible that on occasion insufficient financial resources are available to carry out some efforts, but what can never be lacking in Cuba’s public health institutions is attention to detail in services offered, and care of medical equipment and facilities to prevent their unnecessary deterioration.