Articles of Ministry of Domestic Trade (MINCIN)

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Cuba specifies foreign investment projects in its internal trade


The country relaxed a group of rules, measures and regulations in relation to foreign investment in the trade sector. The new policy conceives retail marketing under the modality of joint ventures and in the case of wholesale trade, the creation of joint ventures with 100% foreign capital is authorized. The technical and development director of the Industrial Products and Services Marketing Group, Raúl Delgado Rodríguez, explained that the policy seeks to create and encourage wholesale and retail markets.

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Announcement of new measures for Foreign Trade and internal wholesale and retail trade


Betsy Díaz Velázquez, Minister of Domestic Trade, and Ana Teresita González Fraga, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, appeared this Monday at the Round Table to report on new economic measures that are part of those announced by Deputy Prime Minister Alejandro Gil in the recent session of the National Assembly of People’s Power. At the beginning of the television space, the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Ana Teresita González Fraga, stressed that the announced measures.