Articles of Kwait

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Without Borders: North Africa and the Middle East on the Cuban Collaborative Map (II)


Among the priorities of this relationship are: culture, economy, health and environment. One of the institutions of greatest prominence in the balance of cooperation is the Kuwait Fund for Arab Development[2], from which the Caribbean island has been able to access soft loans with a payment range of up to 20 years and, in addition, 2 percent interest.

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Without Borders: Cuban Doctors in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Context of COVID-19 (I)


The Latin American and Caribbean region continues to be the most unequal region in the world in terms of income distribution among its population, with an average Gini index of 0.465 in 2018. The SARS Cov-2 virus does not take into account the conditions social to infect a person. However, belonging to a social status does make you more vulnerable to acquiring it and developing the disease.