Articles of Cyberwar

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5 Unexpected Places You Can Be Tracked With Facial Recognition Technology


Post-9/11, many airports and a few cities rushed to install cameras hooked to facial recognition technology, a futuristic apparatus that promised to pick out terrorists and criminals from milling crowds by matching their faces to biometric data in large databases. Many programs were abandoned a few years later, when it became clear they accomplished little beyond creeping people out.

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New Leaks Reveal Insider Tips on S&P's U.S. Credit Downgrade to Killer-Drone Firm


By We live in an age where insider deals, conflicts of interest, revolving doors between “regulators” and the “regulated” (lubricated with oceans of cash) accompanies the generalized looting of social wealth by deviant capitalist elites. That such behavior by our corporate masters no longer raise an eyebrow, let alone elicit action by authorities charged with

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Cyberwar Against Cuba. Summit Kicks off Monday in Panama

Ciberguerra contra Cuba

futures trading strategies p>(The South Journal) Panama will be the venue of an event to be held April 11-15, whose objective is the setting up of an “elite international task force” to enhance the cyberwar against Cuba. The sponsors of this meeting, under the intellectualized name of “Thinking Cuba”, use military terms like “task force”,