Articles of Cubana de Aviación

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Valdés Mesa and directors of Cubana de Aviación hold fruitful exchange

valdes mesa accident aereo

The encounter, led by the First Vice President of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers, Salvador Valdés Mesa, marked the end of a series of visits, which began May 17, to entities affiliated with the Ministry of Transport intended to stimulate exchanges at the grass roots level toward implementing the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and Revolution, given the importance of air transportation to the country’s development.

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I still hear the desperate voice of my father


On two other occasions in 1976, Espinosa had co-piloted aircraft in danger of detonating. The first time was when flying Hortensia Bussi, the widow of Chilean President Salvador Allende, from Mexico to Havana. One of the pieces of luggage aboard the aircraft contained a bomb that failed to explode.