Articles of Comunist Party

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Only socialism will save humanity

Canel Lenin

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a message to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba reiterated its unity with “all revolutionaries of the world” in reverently honoring the memory of the leader of the legendary October socialist revolution in Russia. The text begins the fraternal greeting with the words of Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz: “It must be said that Lenin’s thought has had a great influence on the Cuban revolutionary process.

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Debate on Cuba’s future underway


AS agreements are made to be fulfilled and not to be shelved, today one of the decisions of the recent 7th Party Congress – which was outlined on the very first day in the Central Report – is already being put into practice: “In order to enrich and perfect these documents we propose that both, that is to say, the conceptualization and fundamentals of the National Development Plan, after being reviewed by the Congress, be submitted to a process of democratic discussions by members of the Party and Young Communist League, representatives of mass organizations and broad sectors of Cuban society.”