Articles of Anti-terrorist

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Rene Gonzalez probation RHC interview with Richard Klugh

René González

Radio Havana Cuba interview with Richard Klugh, one of the defence team of the Cuban Five on the conditions of supervised release imposed on René Gonzalez, one of the Five who was released from Marianna Prison in Florida on the 7th October having served his full sentence of fifteen years.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Will Of Steel (Part One)

The Will Of Steel (Part One)

Two days ago on Friday October 14th, Granma and Juventud Rebelde, the Communist Party and Youth League newspapers, published a brave and energetic message from René González, Hero of the Republic, to the people of Cuba, after the odious and unfair 13-year punishment had finished, separately, like the other four heroes who are serving longer sentences in prisons that are hundreds of miles away from each other.