Reflections by Fidel »

Besieged By Hurricanes

Besieged By Hurricanes

We had hardly recovered from the emotional impact and material damages caused by the unexpectedly strong winds of hurricane Gustav on the Isla de la Juventud and Pinar del Rio, when news were received of sea floods caused by Hanna. Then, the worst news of all: that the very intense hurricane Ike, turning southwest under pressure from a strong anti-hurricane system located north of its course, would strike heavily over 625 miles throughout the national territory.

Reflections by Fidel »

A Nuclear Strike

A Nuclear Strike

It is not an overstatement. This is the general expression of many compatriots. It is the impression of the Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General of the Alvaro Lopez Miera, an experienced career soldier, when he saw in the Isla de la Juventud the twisted steel towers, the shattered houses and the devastation everywhere.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Hurricane

The Hurricane

In my last reflection of Tuesday afternoon, August 29, when hurricane Gustav unexpectedly formed and started to threaten our country on the same day when our Olympic delegation returned, I wrote: “We are lucky to have a Revolution! It is a fact that nobody will be neglected…Our strong, forceful and farsighted Civil Defense protects our people…The growing frequency and intensity of these natural phenomena show that the climate is changing due to the action of man. The current times demand ever increasing dedication, steadiness and conscience. We don’t mind if the opportunists and traitors also benefit even if they do not make any contribution to the safety and wellbeing of our people.”

Reflections by Fidel »

What Went Unsaid About Cuba

What Went Unsaid About Cuba

I have carefully followed the Western media reaction to my Sunday reflections on the Olympic Games in China. Actually, rather sensitive events were overlooked while others were highlighted ad libitum by the advocates of world plundering and exploitation.

Reflections by Fidel »

A Gold Medal For Honour

A Gold Medal For Honour

Si se hace una estadística sobre el número de instalaciones, campos deportivos y equipamientos sofisticados por millón de habitantes que acabamos de ver en los últimos Juegos Olímpicos: piscinas de natación, de clavados y de polo acuático; suelos artificiales para competencias de campo y pista, hockey sobre césped; instalaciones para básquet, para voleibol; de aguas rápidas para kayak; velódromos para bicicletas de velocidad, polígonos de tiro, etcétera, etcétera, podría afirmarse que no están al alcance del 80 por ciento de los países representados en Beijing, equivalente a miles de millones de personas que habitan el planeta. China, inmenso y milenario país de más de 1,200 millones de habitantes, invirtió 40 mil millones de dólares en las instalaciones olímpicas y aún requerirá tiempo para satisfacer las necesidades deportivas de una sociedad en pleno desarrollo.

Reflections by Fidel »

Cannon Fodder For The Market

Cannon Fodder For The Market

Perhaps some governments are unaware of the concrete facts, and so for that reason Raúl’s message setting Cuba’s position seemed to us to be very timely. I shall be generous in the aspects that cannot be dealt with in a brief and precise official statement.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Harassed Team

The Harassed Team

The Olympics will very soon begin in China. Some days ago I wrote about our baseball team. I said that our athletes were put through a very hard test and that if something went wrong they were not the ones who deserved the harshest criticisms. I recognized their quality and patriotism. They felt depressed after the criticisms that came from Cuba.

Reflections by Fidel »

Chavez’ Message

Chavez' Message

He returned from his trip to Europe on Friday. He was away for only four days. Flying west, he arrived at Caracas at 11 at night, at sunrise in Madrid, the point of departure. The call from Venezuela came in early on Saturday. I was told he wanted to speak to me over the phone that day. I replied that I could speak to him at 1:45 in the afternoon.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Two Koreas (part II)

The Two Koreas (part II)

On October 19, 1950, more than 400 thousand voluntary Chinese combatants, on orders from Mao Zedong, crossed the Yalu and waylaid the US troops that were advancing towards the Chinese border. The US units, surprised by the vigorous response of the country they had underestimated, were forced to withdraw towards a region near the southern coast, pushed back by the joint action of the Chinese and North Korean forces. Stalin, who was immensely cautious, offered far less support than Mao had anticipated, though the MiG-15 aircrafts piloted by the Soviets, over a limited 42.5-miles front, proved valuable help during the initial stage of the conflict in protecting land forces during their intrepid advance. Pyongyang was again recovered and Seoul re-occupied once more, attempting to fight back the incessant onslaught of the US Air Force, the most powerful which has ever existed.

Reflections by Fidel »

Machiavelli’s Strategy

Machiavelli's Strategy

Raul was right to keep dignified silence over the statements published last Monday, July 21st, by Izvestia on the eventual installation of strategic Russian fighter-planes bases in our country. The news came up from a certain hypothesis elaborated in Russia associated with the Yankees obstinacy in setting up radars and launching pads for their nuclear shield close to the borders of that great power.