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From Ballooning to Twittering: Same Method, Assumptions and Purpose But Different Technology

Radio Swan used to broadcast from an island off the Honduras coast

buy essay papers online p>The US-American aggression against Cuba Below the reader will find a document that is not unique when it comes to US policy toward the Cuban government. The document shows one of the first attempts at “informing the Cuban people”. The effort was idiotic then, as similar efforts continue to the present.

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In memory of Leonard Weinglass

Leonard Weinglass

Not that long ago Len came to visit me and we worked for several hours preparing for the next step of my appeal. I noticed at the time that he was tired. I was worried with his advanced age that he was driving alone after a long trip from New York. The weather was bad and the roads from the airport up to Victorville wind through the mountains surrounding the high desert. I mentioned my concern to him but he did not pay it any attention. That was the way he was, nothing stopped him.

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Lawyer Leonard Weinglass Passed Away in New York

buy an essay p> Leonard Weinglass, was a restless fighter for the cause of five Cubans who have been in US prisons since 1998, internationally known as the Cuban Five. He died on the same day he was born back in 1933. Weinglass would have turned 78 today, since he died on the same day

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Free the Five is heard at Left Forum

Cuban heroes

By Tom Whitney Solidarity with the Cuban Five political prisoners was evident this year at the Left Forum held March 18 – 20 at Pace University in New York City. Under the auspices of the Louisville (KY) Committee for the Five, Cuban Five supporters from New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Kentucky were on hand at

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The West bombs, the Arab League ducks

Bombas en Libia, lanzada bajo la operación "Odisea al Amanecer"

By Pepe Escobar History will surely register the irony that the new war doctrine of United States President Barack Obama took shape on board Air Force One on the way to deeply pacifist Brazil; then in a message delivered to America from Brasilia (yes, Operation Odyssey Dawn was launched from the tropics, and not from

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Cubadebate opens its new Web page in English

Cubadebate English

buy essay p>With versions of Fidel Castro’s Reflections, El Paso Diary of José Pertierra, exclusive materials from Cuba’s Reasons series and news articles about various national and international themes, Cubadebate opens today its Web page in English that you can find at: Of course, it will be always updated with information about the Cuban

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Strikes will ‘antagonise’ many in Arab world, says Chomsky

Noam Chomnsky

“Military intervention in Libya is a serious mistake”, says Chomsky. “When the United States, Britain and France opt for military intervention, we have to bear in mind that these countries are hated in the region for very good reasons. The rich and powerful can say history is bunk but victims don’t have that luxury,” he says. “Threatening moves, I’m sure, evoke all sorts of terrible thoughts and memories in the region – and many people across Africa and the Arab world will be seriously antagonised by military intervention.”

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El Paso Diary: Fabio’s Friend

Fabio Di Celmo

Although the Government only indicted Posada Carriles for lying, one of the lies is about a murder. Under oath, he denied being behind the killing in Havana of a 32-year-old Italian businessman named Fabio Di Celmo on September 4, 1997. The jury in El Paso has already heard a medical examiner state that Di Celmo’s death was a homicide resulting from a bomb planted in the lobby of Havana’s Copacabana Hotel. The bomb hurled a piece of shrapnel that lodged in Di Celmo’s neck and severed his jugular vein. Today the jury will hear from an eyewitness.

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El Paso Diary: Follow the Money

Mas Canosa Monzón

Oscar de Rojas, a Cuban-American accountant from New Jersey, testified in federal court today that he wired money to ex-CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles and others in El Salvador and Guatemala in 1997. The Justice Department alleges that Posada Carriles used that money to finance a terrorist bombing campaign against Cuba in 1997. One of the bombs killed an Italian businessman, Fabio Di Celmo, on September 4, 1997 in Havana’s Copacabana Hotel.

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“Well paid lies”, in Las Razones de Cuba (+ Photos and Videos)

Cuba's Reasons

“A group of young artists and I had the idea to create a cultural project that would promote the visual arts among those young people”, that is the beginning of the testimony of Frank Carlos Vásquez, agent Robin of Cuban State Security, in the new documentary that Cuban television aired for the series “Cuba´s Reasons”.