Articles of Authors

Reflections by Fidel »

Education In Cuba

Education In Cuba

It would seem our country has the most educational problems in the world. All of the cables that reach us report on the many and difficult challenges we face: a deficit of over 8,000 teachers, disrespectful and ill-mannered students, lack of training, in short: problems of all sorts.

Reflections by Fidel »

Sincerity And The Value Of Being Humble

Sincerity And The Value Of Being Humble

Any autobiographically tinted writing forces me to clear up any doubts about decisions I made more than half a century ago. I am talking about subtle details, since the essential points are never forgotten. This is the case of what I did in 1948, sixty years ago.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Olympic Baseball Team

The Olympic Baseball Team

The fanatics were upset due to the hard setback on Sunday. But the word says it all: fa-nat-ics!

Reflections by Fidel »

The Powerless Powers

The Powerless Powers

The Summit meeting of the leaders of the eight most highly industrialized powers on the planet took place on July 7 to 9 at a mountain retreat on the banks of the Toyako, a lake formed inside the volcanic crater located in the north of the island of Hokkaido, on the northern reaches of the Japanese archipelago. It would be hard to choose a site more removed and distant from the madding crowd than this.

Reflections by Fidel »



Yesterday, on Tuesday, I had a bundle of cables with news about the meeting in Japan of the most highly industrialized powers. I shall leave that material and take it up some other time, if it does not grow cold and stale. I decided to take a rest. I chose to get together with Gabo and his wife, Mercedes Barcha, who are visiting Cuba until the 11th. How I wanted to chat with them, to recall almost 50 years of sincere friendship!

Reflections by Fidel »

Pax Romana

Pax Romana

I basically drew these data from statements made by William Brownfield, US ambassador to Colombia, from that country’s press and television, from the international press, and other sources. It’s impressive the show of technology and economic resources at play.

Reflections by Fidel »

The True Story And The Challenge Of The Cuban Journalists

The True Story And The Challenge Of The Cuban Journalists

Seven days ago I wrote about one of the great men in history: Salvador Allende, a man the world remembered with deep emotion and respect on his first centennial. However, no one quivered or even recalled the date of October 24, 1891, when the Dominican despot Rafael Leonidas Trujillo was born, eighteen years before our admired Chilean brother.

Reflections by Fidel »

The Mccain Tour And The Manifest Destiny Of The U. S. Fourth Fleet

The Mccain Tour And The Manifest Destiny Of The U. S. Fourth Fleet

While I was preparing a reflection about McCain’s relationship with the anti-Cuban terrorist mafia in Miami and other related subjects of historical interest, fresh news was flowing about this character that is being projected by the empire’s hawks as Bush’s replacement: his visit to Colombia and Mexico which will begin tomorrow. It is not possible to avoid them since they confirm the opinions we have sustained.

Reflections by Fidel »

Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On

Salvador Allende: His Example Lives On

He was born one hundred years ago in Valparaiso, in southern Chile, on June 26, 1908. His father, a middle-class lawyer and notary, was a member of Chile’s Radical Party. When I was born, Allende was already 18 years old. He was pursuing secondary studies in high school in his native city.

Reflections by Fidel »

Human Rights, Sports And Peace

Human Rights, Sports And Peace

I was surprised that not one of my friends, those news wire agencies, would publish one single word on Saturday about how highly UNESCO rated education in Cuba which, in spite of the actions of the United States, surpasses the levels attained by the rest of the countries in the region, as if that had nothing to do with respect for human rights.